Monday, September 20, 2010

Van ity

I've been really struggling to find time to get this blog floating and bloated, and here is why. I've come across a lot of interesting sites, but I haven't really had the chance to look into them in detail, because I'm rushing around and I don't feel I want to post anything up without proper research of it.
  What it comes down to, as well, is I'm low on money mainly because there are so many things I'll need to be doing in order to get my company legitimate. Also I'm saving up right now to buy a van to live in over the winter, so I can save money to get things really bumping for my label, and save to go to Australia. I haven't ever traveled and I really think it could benefit me artistically and all around as a person. I want to gain perspective and appreciation for the things I have, and the place I live and have lived for my whole life.


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